Wedding Business: Keyword Research Tips
Keyword research is the search for and classification of keywords that users actually enter in search engines. Knowing about these search terms can influence your content strategy or even your cross-company marketing strategy.
How to research keywords for your wedding business SEO strategy
Make a list of topics relevant to your business
In the beginning, it’s useful to think of your topics as fairly generic subject areas called topic buckets. These are subject areas that are important to your company and for which it should be as high as possible in the search engine rankings.
Identify between five and ten such subject areas that you believe are important to your business. You can derive specific keywords from these topic buckets later in the process.
Determine the search intent of your customers
Which keywords are promising for your company depends very much on what your customers want to find on Google. Behind every search query is a specific intention: the so-called search intention or search intent. Your customers enter a term into a Google search and have a clear idea of what search results they would like to see.
Find matching keyword ideas for your topic buckets
After you have defined your topic areas in the first step, you can now identify some keywords that fit into these topic buckets, or clusters.
Since you are a wedding-related business provider, you might want to come up with keywords for the topic keywords for skin care. Ask yourself what phrases your prospects are most likely to use to find content related to this particular cluster on the web.
Research related search terms
You may have already considered this step during your keyword research. If not, now would be a good time to use it to add more keywords to your subject areas.
So if you’re running out of ideas for search terms related to a certain topic, it’s a good idea to look at the related search lists on Google.
Find out how your competitors rank for the keywords
Just because your competitors are doing something doesn’t mean you have to do the same. It’s no different with keywords.
But if you understand which keywords your competitors are specifically interested in, you can use that knowledge to further scrutinize your keyword list.
With these guide, you can have a list of the right keywords for your wedding-related business. It is the basis for achieving good rankings in the short and long term.