
UK Lockdown Poses as Test to Relationships

The UK government’s lockdown measures included giving couples instructions to choose between living-in together or staying apart for 3 weeks or possibly longer.

To those still experiencing strains or struggles in keeping their relationship intact, or still in the midst of a burgeoning romantic relationship, deciding between the two options is not as easy. After all, both options have advantages or disadvantages, but undecided couples can explore only one during the Covid-19 crisis.


Deputy Chief Medical Officer for England Jenny Harries’ response when asked about her advice to couples that still live in separate households is that

“Ideally, they should stay-at-home in their respective households.” “The alternative to that is to stay in one and test the strength of their relationship, as a way for each other to decide, whether he or she wishes to be permanently housed with the same per person as residents of the same household.”

Staying Apart is Just Like Being in a Long Distance Relationship”

Choosing to stay apart during the lockdown period is something that couples in long distance relationships (LDR), ordinarily experience.

Although most of them also started the relationship while apart from each other, strains in their marriage are likely to surface once they cohabit in a single household. Mainly because they came to know of each other’s true traits, only when they started living together. Some were fortunate to discover traits that made them love their partner more, while others discovered habits that their partner could not, or would not shake off, even for purposes of working toward a more harmonious life in marriage.


While it is true that absence of the heart grows fonder, the times apart though, make you think, only of the wonderful but brief moments you shared together. So why be afraid to take the plunge early on by moving in with your romantic partner? After all, one or both of you will eventually make a decision to stay together for life, or break up, in case your relationship turns out to be founded on shaky grounds.

Make Living Together Work if You Are Seriously Considering Each Other as Permanent Partners

In case you decide to move in with your partner, or allow your partner to move in with you, it could work out if such a decision was made after having a serious discussion about realistic, rather than idealistic expectations. Staying together in a single home during the lockdown is a lot different when staying together under normal conditions. One cannot just step out and leave the house in case you start wearing each other down.


1. Make sure both you and your partner are willing to make the time together work, even just for the sake of having a housemate to be with, when conditions in the outside world seem desolate and dreary.


2. Find out more about each other’s likes and dislikes so you will know what the two of you will have to put up with, even temporarily.


3. Regularly engage in indoor or outdoor exercise since physical activity is one way of keeping a healthy mind and body.


4. Teaching each other skills that are unique to a partner, is one good way of having fun moments together. Skills may include cooking, baking, sewing or video gaming. Other interests include taking photographs, recording videos, sculpting or creating art using recycled materials.


5. While watching movies and shows being streamed online, learn and discover different sports and recreational activities that you and your lockdown house-partner, will look forward to as future dating plans.

As an aside, we acknowledge the sponsor for this guest post, Archerypower; while readers are encouraged to visit the website and perhaps, develop an interest in archery, particularly about crossbows.
