The Pros And Cons Of Moving In Together Before You Tie The Knot
It takes two persons who love each other so dearly and willing to spend the rest of their lives together to enter a marriage. It is a life-long commitment that there will nothing, and especially no one, to keep the two of them apart. To tie the knot is some sort of an end goal that couples who have been in a relationship for many years would like to happen one day.
However, even for some couple who are together for so long, it should be expected that there are things that they still don’t know about each other. You can go on countless of dates or hang out for hours before you get married, but there is just a part of your potential better half that you have yet to see. The only way for the two of you to see the best and worst of each other is by trying to live together under one roof.
Living Together Even Before Getting Married: What’s Not To Like About That?
Like what we have already mentioned, marriage is a lifetime commitment. There is no easy way out once you decided to enter this sacred vow. Thus, it is important if the couple really know each other’s personalities before making the biggest step in the relationship. It would be a bummer if there are one or two repelling things that you find out about about your partner only after the wedding. This is also the same reason why some people tend to get the cold feet a few days before the wedding day. The worse that can happen, however, than getting the cold feet, is to having a huge feeling of regret deep inside you when you already said your wedding vows in front of the altar.
Before you decide to get married, why not try to have a dry run of living a married life together? There is nothing to lose, anyway. Instead, there will be more that you will get to learn about each other’s behavior, hour by hour, day by day. If you spot some issues along the way, then it is probably best to settle them now before all is said and done at the wedding.
But Wait… What If Everything Goes Back To Zero?
Of course, there is a possibility that the two of you may learn too much about each other that you end up falling out of love. There are many things that can annoy your partner, like checking out his or her stuff or trying to access the email without permission. Before you know it, you might just call it quits before the much-awaited wedding. In this case, there is nothing that can’t be sorted out by a nice conversation. This way, you will not only understand each other’s side, but also see the bigger picture when the two of you are already married.
Will you risk having a future of you fighting over petty things as husband and wife, or will you call the shots now before you enter a marriage?