• Wedding Tips

    Top Five Tips For Cleaning Up After A Wedding

    This wouldn’t be the Bride or the Groom’s responsibility as it is their day and you want them to have the time of their lives. Besides, that’s why they hired the right people to do the job – wedding coordinators. And of course, there’s family to help with the cleaning. Since there are likely no dogs on your wedding, you will not be needing to vacuum hair fibers from the venue but you may need the best vacuum for dog hair for little fibers on your wedding gown before the wedding ceremony itself.

    How To Clean Up At The End Of Your Wedding Day

    Here are quick tips to help clean the place up after a wedding.

    1. Know what to keep and what to throw away. This is important because you want to make sure that the items that you want to keep and store as a keepsake is safely taken cared of at the end of the day. You will definitely want to note these items. It’s also important because many venues will have dumpsters on site, so if there are items that you want to dispose of, you want to take advantage of that.

    What you can do is to use the list that you used on the pre-setup preparations to know which items you want to keep and which items you want to let go of. Here are three considerations when sorting out items:

    • Items to recycle or throw away. This are often disposable items like garlands, paper lanterns, and balloons.
    • Items you want to sell or donate. You will need to safekeep this to bring home but will give away soon.
    • Items you want to keep. This are items you want to keep as display or keepsake.

    2. Leave Boxes or totes that came with your cake stand, cutting set, and pictures under the table where the items are going to be used. You will want to reuse these boxes and totes at the end of the wedding, so it’s a great idea to safekeep these totes and boxes in a place where you can easily grab them.

    3. Appoint in charge of clean up to a trusted person. This should be someone who’s not heavily drinking (booze will be all over on a wedding day) so someone who drinks at minimal, a family member or a friend is a best bet. This is a person who’s willing to stay on site and will go the extra mile to help you out on your wedding day.

    4. Have someone in charge of taking home gifts and cards. At the end of the wedding, you will be busy heading straight to your honeymoon and therefore gifts and items are impossible to monitor. But this can be done right when you have appointed someone to take care specifically of these things.

    5. Plan for leftover foods and beverages. Usually the caterers will ask you about this after the wedding day but if they don’t it’s an important thing to bring up. Some caterers would give you the leftovers and some will not so this is something that you will want to find out. A lot of the food that they are willing to give as leftover has to do with healthcodes like how long the food had been sitting there, is it still good for takehome and etc.

    If the caterer is going to give leftover food to you, find out if they are going to provide containers for the food or will you provide it to them. If you are actually taking home the leftover food, you have to appoint someone in charge of taking it home.
