
Masterkey advise: Let’s identify the cause and solution for unhappy marriage

Marriage isn’t a fairytale like in the movie or a fantasy in our dream instead marriage is the reality of human being which we dream of. Don’t forget there’s no such thing a perfect marriage, all couple suffers the same faith, I mean like life marriage has ups and down scenario that need to overcome.

In my personal opinion, the Masterkey in marriage is pure love and understanding nothing more nothing less. Love is powerful enough that can change people personality.

The situation – Let’ identify the cause of unhappy marriage – Do you and your partner become focused on responsibilities (in terms financial matters) Money in marriage is also important but please give time for your loved ones because that’s also the reason why need work. or perhaps Is infidelity or cheating involved? Can you live away from friends and your families? (I have known someone which he gives more time to his friends rather than to his love one). Unhappy marriage causes by thousands of reasons but It will be challenging to repair an unhappy marriage but when you understand the cause and the situation currently dealing with everything can be fixed is just a matter of time and motivation.

The best thing to do is [speak heart to heart with your spouse about the unhappiness in your union] – Occasionally problems in the union became too large, complicated and unmanageable since couples refuse to confront and discuss them. Discussing with your partner about your marriage does not mean blaming the lack of joy in your relationship on your partner but it’s the best way to bring out of the cards on the table and examine what went wrong. Express your needs. If you will need to spend time as you believe you both are currently drifting apart say so. Then say so, if you wish to zest up the intimacy in your marriage.

Next is [Eliminate divorce on your menu] – I think divorce has ups and down too, couples can easily use this option when they can’t fix their unhappy married life. To repair a miserable union, it’s ideal to eliminate divorce from the listing of solutions since it isn’t always the good idea. Because children will always be the first victim.

The advice – And lastly, my advise is  Consider couples therapy or counseling. Seek help if you find it challenging to solve the unhappiness in your marriage by yourself. It’s ideal to consider counseling or couples therapy allow you to fix an unhappy union and to address issues. Marriage is a relationship and it to exhaust choices and all possible aid before giving up on your marriage. There are marriages who could survive with the assistance of counseling and couples therapy. it’s best to seek help. Don’t wait until your union becomes unrepairable.
