Is Your Love Enough To Make A Long Distance Relationship Work?
A happy couple who loves each other so much would not want to be away from each other, even in just a short moment. What more if the situation calls for one of them to be in a far away place? In this case, some people would normally advise that it is probably best for the couple to end their relationship, as they believe that long distance relationships will not work out. One way or another, being away from your loved one and not knowing what he or she has been up to would only make you anxious.
In a way, yes, other people are correct in saying that long distance relationships or LDR are not easy to pull off. However, it does not mean that you or any other couples out there could not try to make things work in this setup.
You just have to accept that you will feel lonely, worried, or abandoned because your other half is physically absent. Nonetheless, this can be a chance for you to bring your relationship to the next level, no matter how many miles you two are apart.
Avoid Being Too Clingy Or Possessive In Your Messages
If it is just your first time in a long distance relationship, there are things you should remember to build your love instead of breaking it. First and foremost, you must learn how to control your loneliness and worries about your loved one. When you are talking to each other via text or voice chat, do not be too possessive that you would end up requiring your other half to report everything that he or she has been doing in the past few hours. No matter how bothered you are, this is the wrong way to go. You might just end up telling your partner indirectly that you have no trust in him or her.
While communication is the key to a stronger relationship, too much conversation will not make up for the distance separating the two of you. Just talk to each other as if your partner is just in the other side of town, working at the office. This is not a cool-off period, but sometimes you have to consider the time of your loved one, and him or her have his time to spend on other things.
As much as possible, make things more natural and do not let the physical distance be a reason to pressure a lively conversation. Or else, you might end up exhausting the longing you have for each other.
Short messages like “good morning” or “how’s your day” could already mean a lot to your partner. For sure, he or she is also having a hard time not seeing you around. You do not need to spam your partner with up to 444 messages. Make constant communication, but never make it too long or repetitive.