Amazing Wedding Shots You Can Do From Your Phone
Word of advice, please note that these tips will only work if you have a smartphone with camera features. You can choose from iphone for sale to find smartphones to fit your budget.
Two minute Tuesday talks about weddings shots using only iPhone. Interesting? It is interesting. Here are great mobile photography tips from Peter McKinnon. Anyway, note that Peter wasn’t actually shooting the wedding. He was invited but yeah he was shooting weddings in his first years in his photography business. Anyway, shooting a wedding is a great avenue for your photography skills.
Shoot amazing photos with your phone, edit with great aps for incredible results. Look into the video at exactly 3:07. I made a screenshot below from the video.
The images look amazing, isn’t it? Not so bad for photos taken from a phone with no lenses whatsoever, right? So what’s really going on with the phone? Peter said it’s actually the calculation of both the light and having an eye and knowing what to look for, and what to shoot for.
Photo edit apps to use on your phone
The images taken by Peter on the wedding he attributes to the apps he used which were light room and Lens Distortions. You can grab raw photos and edit it right from your phone. Let’s take a look at how Peter did it so that you can take banger shots and produce crazy good photography with your phone.
How to edit your images through your phone with the right apps
So here’s what Peter did to take these photos: When taking a good picture, consider this – light, color, effects, and details.
Finding that good light. If you don’t have good light, it doesn’t matter what gear you’re using, be it a cellphone or a really expensive camera, it’s not going to look as it could.
start with light, you could mess around with the exposure, maybe bring it down just a little bit, to bring back some of that highlights. Edit through the portrait mode. Sometimes it doesn’t work right all the time, but with the right light, with the right background, the results could be great.
Color. This is where you can play around a lot. Just like the HSL tabs within lightroom, you can do that on your phone. Look for that colorwheel. You can go through and individually select the colors that you want to tweak.
Mess with saturation. Too high doesn’t look good. too low gives you no color. So you want to be just below center. Turn the luminants up a little bit just to brighten the colors that you just added. You can play around the luminants to get the warm side.
Effects. Clarity, dehaze, and vignette. You don’t want to go too crazy on these, but because you are using your mobile phone, you want to pull out some of that detail. You need to raise that clarity a little bit and watch what it does, go too far and it looks too far. Go to about 25% and it will look so much better. Bring in vignette just to focus on the image, use a little bit of sharpening.
Details. Use Lens Distortions. This app is really great for adding those extra tweaks and enhancements especially if you are using your phone to take pictures. So you can useLight hits, use light rings to add to your photo to show that the sun looks like it’s really shining in. So you get the picture.
We hope this little post will help you in to achieve beautiful wedding images to show your friends and family. Another trick you can add to you knowledge base just as it helped me. Thanks to Peter McKinnon and to his awesome video.